5 money books on amazon to help you make more money


5 Money Books on Amazon to Help You Make More Money


Forever in search of new ways to boost my income, I’m all about getting creative when it comes to money-making gig ideas. Because, let’s be real. These days, our day job often just doesn’t cut it – whether you’re looking for extra spending money or, like me, simply struggling to keep up with those ever-increasing bills. But, I’m also a big believer in work-life balance. So, before you dive into a side hustle, make sure you’ve got time carved out for self-care, chilling out, staying active, eating well, and hanging with family and friends.

However, if you’re up for the challenge of trying something new and want to get those cash gears turning, check out this list of books. They might just ignite a fire within that you never knew existed – and earn you some extra cash in the process!


1. The ChatGPT Millionaire: Making Money Online Has Never Been This Easy, by Neil Dagger – Free with Kindle App

Instead of fear mongering about the AI invasion, this book is all about harnessing the power of ChatGPT and leveraging it to help you make more money. Although it does caution that there is some uncertainty surrounding market saturation in the future, if you want to stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of these opportunities now, consider this your sign to give it a shot – if you haven’t already.


2. Online Startups: 5 Steps to Get Your Online Businesses & Side Hustles Up and Running for Monthly Payments, Alex Mint – Free with Kindle Unlimited

If you’ve been thinking about starting a side hustle or an online business but aren’t sure where to start, this book is for you.

Breaking down the myths about the so-called “stability” you might receive from working a regular job at a company and full of innovative concepts on how you can decide which side hustle is right for you – and even test out your ideas without spending money – plus a lengthy list of options you may not have considered before, this is a great read for those interested in changing the direction of their career and enjoying the freedom of self-employment.


3. Simple Money, Rich Life: Achieve True Financial Freedom and Design a Life of Eternal Impact, Bob Lotich – $1.99 (Kindle)

Written from the perspective of someone who has experienced the tragic existence of being trapped in an alarming amount of debt, Simple Money, Rich Life shares the timeless principles behind the financial strategy that took Lotich from the depths of despair to financial freedom – even having the ability to pay off over $400k in debt and donate $1 million before his 40th birthday.

In a 21-day “kick start” program within these pages, there are tons of actionable tips you can put to use immediately to forge your way toward financial security, no matter where you are in your journey.


4. The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel – $12.68

I’ll admit it, this one is still on my TBR list…but I’ve had this book personally recommended to me by so many people that I’m finally taking the plunge and placed my order.

Rather than your typical dry, textbook-style finance read, this is a collection of short stories demonstrating the unexpected, mind-boggling ways that people think about money, all while teaching you the important underlying lessons which aren’t taught in school.


5. You are a Badass at Making Money, Jen Sincero – $8.39

From the same bestselling author that brought us You are a Badass, this gem is full of actionable items you can start doing right away to achieve your financial goals. With an inspirational tone and a sharp kick of humor, this book will help you work through any negative thought patterns you might be experiencing and train yourself into a more positive mindset. Relatable, informational, and motivational read!


So there you have it, my top 5 book recommendations (for now!) that will help you make more money. If you’ve read any of these books, or if you have any other recommendations, please feel free to share in the comments!

Happy reading, fellow bookworms! 📚🪱


5 money books on amazon to help you make more money

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